Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009

Designer against AIDS wants YOU!

"December 21, 2009 by Schnee 
Here is their message! “We at Designers against AIDS are looking for photos of TH fans wearing the buttons -especially the DAA button- so we can feature them on our website http://www.designersagainstaids.com and in our Facebook group “Tokio Hotel Fundraiser for Designers against AIDS”. You can mail your photo to: ninette@designersagainstaids.com with subject “Tokio Hotel buttons photo”.
Looking forward to seeing MANY of your photos!
Thank you for your support and best regards,
Ninette Murk, founder/director DAA”
So, send them in and be part of this great thing that Tokio Hotel is participating in! Let’s show the fan love!"

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Thanks! ^^