Doch nicht nur Elefanten im Zirkus werden diesen Qualen ausgesetzt, sondern auch in Zoos. Wildtiere allgemein sollten nicht in engen Zirkuskäfigen ihr Leben fristen müssen, denn auch sie werden täglich Qualen ausgesetzt, denn schon allein die nicht Artgerechte Unterbringung ist eine Qual. PETA bekommt nicht nur von Demi Moore prominente Unterstützung, sondern auch zum Beispiel von: Bill und Tom von Tokio Hotel, Cosma Shiva Hagen usw.
Demi Moore, continues to work with the animal rights organization Peta against the mistreatment of elephants. She wrote a public letter to the authority georgias, by promoting the use of so-called "Elefantenhaken" to prohibit. It is a floor with a metallic, lace hooks after all of the petiole. In this way, the elephants are brought up that you execute any command. But not only are elephants in the circus this torture, but are also exposed in zoos.
Wild animals in general should not in narrow Zirkuskafigen your life time limits must be, because they too are exposed daily torment, but the very fact that welfare child policy is not a torment. PETA gets not only of Demi Moore celebrity support, but also for example from: Bill and Tom from Tokio Hotel, Cosma Shiva Hagen etc.
Demi Moore, continues to work with the animal rights organization Peta against the mistreatment of elephants. She wrote a public letter to the authority georgias, by promoting the use of so-called "Elefantenhaken" to prohibit. It is a floor with a metallic, lace hooks after all of the petiole. In this way, the elephants are brought up that you execute any command. But not only are elephants in the circus this torture, but are also exposed in zoos.
Wild animals in general should not in narrow Zirkuskafigen your life time limits must be, because they too are exposed daily torment, but the very fact that welfare child policy is not a torment. PETA gets not only of Demi Moore celebrity support, but also for example from: Bill and Tom from Tokio Hotel, Cosma Shiva Hagen etc.
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